Thursday, June 17, 2010

Was this wrong or right?

this high school gay boy in indianna paid $85 to go to his prom. he arrived at his prom in a dress, hair and makeup and everything. he was sent home as soon as he walked in without gettin his money back and he was not allowed to change and come back. what do ya'll think was this wrong or right?

Was this wrong or right?

Wrong, very wrong. He paid his money, he wasn't dressed inappropriately or in anything too revealing. So who did he piss off?

Sure proms have dress codes, but usually they consist of formal wear, period. Sounds to me he stayed within those guidelines.

Obviously this school and those attending or at least running the prom are real tightwads and should be sued.

I sure hope he sicks the ACLU on them for that.

People are people and as long as he was dressed in formal attire, I really don't think it should have mattered which gender he felt more comfortable with.

What's worse is that they didn't refund him his money or allow him to change and return. That's simply not fair.

Was this wrong or right?

I think it's just weird and scarry.

Was this wrong or right?

proms have dress codes. (s)he should have asked permission or not done that at all

Was this wrong or right?

I'm glad they sent him home. And surprised that he didn't sue them for some crappy excuse like "mental anguish" when he probably gave everyone there nightmares!

Was this wrong or right?

Who knows. He probably should have been given the option to return, but who is to say. Then your talking about Indiana - they probably did him a favor.

Was this wrong or right?

Schools can censor as they see fit. They wouldn't let people in wearing gang attire either. It's within their boundaries.

Was this wrong or right?

totally wrong. if i were him i'd get an attorney. that was discrimination. tell him to get an attorney and sue the **** out of that school. I'M SO LIVID ABOUT THIS, I CAN'T BELIEVE!!! yes, he sould sue. i hope he reads this and gets the nerve to SUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was this wrong or right?

Wrong, I do not believe in it personally, But I fight every day for the freedoms that we have here, If you choose to look a fool its on you.

Was this wrong or right?

I remember this story. He'd been allowed to dress as a girl during the school year, with no problems.

Ergo, he should have been allowed to dress as one for the prom. It wouldn't have hurt anyone.

Was this wrong or right?

Unfortunately,not everyone is open still to the idea of gay people. They probably didn't think that he was going to come in drag when he bought the prom ticket. They should've let him stay, but since they sent him home they should of at least gave his money back. This is probably bordering on discrimination.

Was this wrong or right?

I think he knew perfectly well what kind of reception he'd get when he arrived, so he ought not to complain when that's exactly what he got. He should have followed the dress code. I don't have much sympathy for intentional acts meant to stir up controversy like that. But on the other hand, it might have been more charitable for the prom committee to refund his money, at least.

Was this wrong or right?

I think he should be sent home too, not because he was gay but because he dressed as though it were a costume party instead of a prom. I think he should forfeit his money because he knew what he was doing. It's not like he was sick or in a car accident and couldn't make it.

He could probably get his money back, but only if he uses a discrimination plea. That, however, would be wrong again on his part, in my opinion.

The school did nothing wrong in my opinion.

Was this wrong or right?

He paid his money, he abided by the dress code, there was an established precedent at the school.

The school had no right to turn him away, keep his money, or not allow him to change.

They were simply wrong. Period

Was this wrong or right?

High schools can make their rules. My daughter was not allowed into her prom because she forgot her tickets. Her name was on a list right there on the table, but she had to get her tickets before they would let her go in.

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