Saturday, June 19, 2010

Which updo is the best for my dress?

I'm attending a black-tie Academy Awards gala at the end of the month, and I'm going to my salon for a hair updo. Based on my dress, which of these updos would look the best?

This is my dress (in Navy) -

These are the updos -

Thank you!

Which updo is the best for my dress?

I like the second one the best. And by the way adorable dress. =]

Which updo is the best for my dress?

I definately think the first one would be better.

Which updo is the best for my dress?

i prefer the second or third site, i guess it also depends on the shape of your head too. but if i were you, i'd choose the second site. and it looks really nice and formal

Which updo is the best for my dress?

i think the second one is awesome and you should wear your hair that way..

Which updo is the best for my dress?

I like the first one...I think it would look great, i am presuming you have brown hair....go with the first one.

Which updo is the best for my dress?

Go with #1 if you are under 25.The #2 if you are 30-35.The classical one is #3---goes with any age.(The first do that is tight).Go with the one you like and will make you feel comfortable.The dress is gorgeous.Have a great evening....

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