Saturday, November 28, 2009

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

I have dark hair, hazel eyes, and i have NO idea what color dress would look decent on me!

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Green would look nice, like an emerald green. Have fun!

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

A pretty coral color pink!

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

pastel orange or easter egg blue

more pastel colored

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

red and purple would be nice. i have dark hair and eyes and those colors look good on me. yellow would look nice with your hair unless your pale, then no.

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

hmm...go with a dark colored dress,it will make your eyes stand out

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Any shade of blue, maybe green...


What color prom dress should i wear?!?

A sapphire-blue colored dress! or a pinkish purple-ish dress!

Have fun at your prom!

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

pink, gold, bright red, dark blue.

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Any soft pastel shade would look good.

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

i love that new dark purple they have out it is almost a plum color

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

my sister has your coloring and every color looks good on her- not kidding. Black would always look good on you. Any color would actually...good luck

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Blue or Purple

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Maybe something pastel, like mint green or light blue.

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

pink blue purple or gold

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

a lot of girls at my school look like what you described a lot of them go with a green colored dress. Cool green not puke green.

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

either green, purple, or red. im assuming you dont need help deciding the "shape".

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Try black or dark pink....the way that you describe yourself,,,I'd say that you're beautiful in any color. Good Luck!!

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Pink or blue.

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

nothing bright, pale colors. Pale blue, coral pink, or pastel yellow. Good Luck!

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

I would think like a pretty shade of green to bring out your hair color and eyes. Good Luck!

This website has different photos of girls in dresses that match your desription... many different colors too..

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Omgsh i luvv Macys dresses. i havent had a prom yet but they are ahhh-dorable lol. well hope u find what you are looking for bye!! =]

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Mhmmm....What about a soft pastel orange.

But i understand you want something different than the yellow.

I like some starry theme like colors. Midnight Blue Midnight purplish or somthing like that [=

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

pinky pie

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

coral pink ,or a pretty blue

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

ok i would choose colors like baby blue, light pink, dark green, white,or a dark purple.

What color prom dress should i wear?!?

Girl you should wear like a light brown outfit and wear so high hells that will match them and then you should ask a cute guy that you know how do you look so you will LOOK good and have a guy that LOOKS GOOD TOO and girl you would be iight


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