Thursday, November 26, 2009

What prom dress color should I choose?

I am very pale skinned and I have medium brown hair with some blonde highlights that aren't that noticeable. My hair is a little above shoulder length. My favorite color is pink but I am afraid that it will wash me out. PLEASE HELP!!!

What prom dress color should I choose?

Red, Brown


or pinkk !

What prom dress color should I choose?

a peach-ish pink would go well with your skin town which will give you a nice radiant glow

What prom dress color should I choose?

Try a darker pink color or a peachy looking color. Good luck.

What prom dress color should I choose?

if you're bold enough, go neon pink...or very bright pink....have yellow accents to bring out your blond highlights...

What prom dress color should I choose?

If you do pink, go with a bright pink or fushcia shade rather than pale baby pink. Something in a coral shade might look good as well.

Gold, green, or blue would also probably be good colors for your skin %26amp; hair color.

Good luck!

What prom dress color should I choose?

Try a stunning magenta-pink over a pale baby-pink, it will bring out the depth of your brown hair. A deep sapphire blue or emerald green might also be pretty. Anything bright and jewel-toned would probably be suitable, avoid anything neutral or pastel. I am very very fair skinned with dark blonde hair, and I wore emerald green to my prom- the photos came out great, no wash-out!

What prom dress color should I choose?

yes, deffinatly a peachish pinkish kind of look

What prom dress color should I choose?

from your description, it sounds like you'd look good in red or maybe pink (depending on the shade)....but i dunno, i've never been really good about thinking of stuff like that

What prom dress color should I choose?

you sound like a nice dark shade of blue would work, but go to a good shop with someone there who sdoes not know you and have them show you ,your color palet. I love pink as well but it does not look good on me.... Good luck

What prom dress color should I choose?

Dark red satin dress. That will complement your skin completion and go lovely with your hair. i can picture you and you look beautiful. Have fun and see ya ;-)

What prom dress color should I choose?

with ur plae skin the worst thing u could do is get a dress in light pink or any other color. but u can still get a pink dress. get a bright pink dress. hot pink is agreat color for prom and it will look great on ur skintone. u also could go for anything that is bright. reds and blues look very good on prom dresses

hope i helped :)

What prom dress color should I choose?

the PINK for you is 'paradise pink", and if you want to find the perfect dress, go to ""

What prom dress color should I choose?

emerald green; it's no pink, but looks great on lighter skin tones.

What prom dress color should I choose?

You didn't mention what color your eyes are, that could be a deciding factor as well. From what you have said though, I would say green would be a good color for you. You have about the same coloring that I do, and I have been told I look stunning in green. (I have blue eyes.)

I would stay away from pink, white, or any pastels really. Red would be ok, so long as you don't have pinkish skin, and a nice deep blue. Of course, black is flattering on just about anyone...what you could do if you really want the pink is wear a black dress with a pink wrap...that wouldn't be so much pink to wash your skin out!

What prom dress color should I choose?

Red or any pastel color. Red really complements pale skin tones :) and Pastels always seem to make people look like they are really tan. Not like pstel orange the road workers wear but there are pretty pastel pinks and yellows. I am tan and when I wear my pastel pink or blue bathing suit, I look so much darker. good luck!

What prom dress color should I choose?

I can't visualize someone how you described (im not good with that) but try on some dresses get some friends to go with you and ask them of their opinion. Good Luck!

What prom dress color should I choose?

I would go with the pink if you like it. Maybe a deeper shade of pink would be better for you. Also, I think powder blue would like great with pale skin. Good luck and have fun!!!

What prom dress color should I choose?

I think any type pf blue would look good.

What prom dress color should I choose?

Traditionally speaking any pastel color would be good for prom. Generally bold colors are reserved for winter dances. Because prom is held in the spring, pastel colors such as light pink, lavender, light green, pale yellow, etc. are popular.

A light green or lavender will compliment your brunette hair and play it up but if you really want to wear pink then I say go for it!

If you are worried about being washed out then try those natural glow gradual tanning lotions such as Jergens or CoppertoneEndless Summer Gradual Tan Moisturizing Lotion.

Unlike tanning lotions that require you to expose yourself to UV Rays, the natural glow tanning lotions just require you to use it daily for about a week to see a gradual change in your skin tone. It won't streak and will not deliver harsh results (such as being orange or super brown) but rather give you some color (so you don't feel washed out in that pink dress) that is appropriate for your natural skin tone.

Good luck dress shopping and have fun!


What prom dress color should I choose?

i think pink would very nice on you or just about any pastel color would be nice. if you want to wear pink then try a darker shade of pink. if you like green or blue then i think a deep shade of green or blue would look awesome on you. whatever you do take risk,be your own trendsetter,and just go with the flow.

What prom dress color should I choose?

yellow or peach

What prom dress color should I choose?

Pink would be awesome: This girl has pale skin (she put a black color by her face - perhaps this breaks up the contrast?

Here are some others.

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